Visiting Ghanaian President has said Africa needs a new breed of leaders who are willing to transform Liberia.
President Nana Akufo-Addo indicated that Africa needs leaders who are committed to govern their people in accordance with the rule of law, respect for individual liberty, human rights, principle of democratic accountability and social justice.
The Ghanaian President spoke Wednesday at the 98th graduation exercise of the University of Liberia graduate program.
President Akufo-Addo furthered that Africa needs leaders who are prepared and willing to free and provide better living condition for their people.
He said Africans have suffered too much from bad governance, as such, it is time for new breed of leaders who have the desire and commitment to provide quality life for the people.
The Ghanaian President said gone are the days when raw materials were shipped from Africa to other parts of the world, thus denying the continent better dividend.
He said the time has come for Africa to export made in products on the world market, rather than exporting raw materials.
President Akufo-Addo said the people of Africa cannot continue to live in abject poverty, emphasizing the need for more to be done to change their condition.
At the same time, President Akufo-Addo said West Africa will not allow Liberia to slide back into crisis, saying all will be done to ensure that democracy is entrenched in the post-conflict country.
He said West Africa will not accept any other outcome from Liberia order than preserving democracy.
The Ghanaian President told the gathering that it is not enough to hold successive elections or criticize the government, saying 'democracy must ensure that we are able to provide our people better quality of life.
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