Yesterday marked the 106th anniversary of the birth of Dr K A Busia, Ghana's Prime Minister of the second Republic and the first person of African descent to attain the status of a professor in Ghana.
As a way of honouring his memory and to keep his vision alive, the Busia Institute for Rural and Democratic Development (BIRDD) will launch a special biography titled 'K. A. Busia: A Symbol of Democracy,' on July 31 at the National Theatre in Accra.
The event is expected to be graced by former President J A Kufuor and Busia's only surviving sister Madam Amma Busia. As a scholar, Busia wrote many ground-breaking books and articles, which remain indispensable in academia across the globe.
A statement issued by the Executive Director of the BIRDD, Anane Agyei, copied the Ghanaian Times said the book launch would attract people from all walks of life including political, traditional and religious leaders, academics, farmers, and everyone committed, determined and dedicated to building a strong democracy, the vision that Busia espoused untill he passed on.
"In the area of politics where he assumed the position of executive prime minister, as per the 1969 constitutional arrangement, he left indelible marks not only in terms of infrastructure development despite the dire economic situation his government inhereited, but by way of policies, many of which remain corner stones in the nation's growth and development.
"It was the Busia administration that first established a ministry in charge of rural development to bridge the gap between the urban and the underdeveloped rural areas, which has been the staus quo from the colonial administrations," the statement said.
It added that "it is gratyfyning that Busia's vision of rural industralisation, which was christened 'Rural Development Programme' continues to receive attention and today, that programme is being pursued via the policies and programmes of 'Planting for Food and Jobs'; 'One Village One Dam'; and 'One District One Factory, amongst others.
"We wish to commend all the governments after Busia's that have continued in one way or the other, the initiatives he left such as democratic goverenence, respect for human rights, accountability, probity and transparency in public life, and the fight against corruption.
"The BIRDD calls on the citizenry, especially the youth, to learn about Busia to enable them to continue the legacy he bequaethed to the motherland and the world in general," the statement said.
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