We are all aware of how a house is constructed.
It starts from a bare ground, profiling the ground, then digging and so on; but before all that, a lot of conversation is done between the architect and the client as to what type of construction that must happen at the end of all processes. Interestingly, it is put on paper with all the beauty and details vividly done.
However, before this construction takes place, the land is cleared of its natural environment like trees, debris, and so on.
Sometimes it takes a lot of consistency and endurance to put the land into the shape that is required before the construction commences, especially when a lot has to be done with a rocky or valley landscape.
Your life is also a construction.
What is construction then? It is the action of building something, typically a large structure.
And you are a large structure!
When your parents gave birth to you, all they saw was the beauty of your construction.
In their minds, they saw how you would be looking, working and generally, the beautiful life that you were going to enjoy.
They never wished that you die at a youthful stage, but rather at an old ripe stage of their expectation. I mean all that they could imagine concerning you was good.
Whenever your parents happen to speak about you, they used words that were audacious and great about you. For instance, as for this my baby, he/she is a great person, influential and so on.
Now this was the natural expectation of your parents for you. Their words about you were the architectural drawing of you, which means you have to conform because it is drawn already.
So all you have to do is, take a look at it again and live it absolutely and realistically.
So how will you do this?
By using the right and good words your parents already said about you. Words like beautiful, handsome, great, wonderful, possible and so on.
As you begin using these words, it will look so unnatural to you because by now, all that you know is saying “it is as it is”. So if you are hard pressed for anything, all that you do is to express it as it is.
Interestingly, when you were a baby, anytime that mum or dad realised they had to put you through any ordeal that wasn’t pleasant for you, they used placating and soothing words just to help you go through that ordeal. For example, bathing, eating, immunisation, etc. They never terrified you or told you plainly the ordeal you will have to suffer.
What to expect?
As you begin using those words, it will look as if nothing is happening in terms of your beautiful construction that must happen; but the truth is, it is taking effect.
Then the question is ‘why am I not seeing it physically now?’
It is because you are clearing the land; so you have to keep at those new words till all the land has been totally cleared of all the unwanted natural words that you have grown with until now.
The land, in this case, represents your mind. You continue by deploying materials that are necessary in the construction like masons, cement, sand, water, lumber, and so on; and these represent you also consciously listening, watching and reading materials that help in building your construction.
All the beautiful cases you see around and admire are as a result of the way they were constructed. So pay attention to the materials, which are your words in building your construction.
Think about it!
The post MINDSET with Gambrah Sampeney Kwabena Adjei: Construction appeared first on The Business & Financial Times.
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