Mr Patrick Akpe Kwame Akorli, Group Chief Executive Officer of GOIL Company Limited has been appointed as the Chairman of the GOIL Group of Companies with specific focus on the GOENERGY subsidiary of the company.
Mr Akorli who was expected to proceed on leave in June prior to his retirement from GOIL in November would now assume the new portfolio to continue to contribute to the development of the GOIL brand.
Mr Kwamena Bartels, GOIL Board Chairman, announced the change of portfolio of Mr Akorli at the 50th Annual General Meeting of the GOIL Company Limited, which received overwhelming endorsement by the shareholders.
Mr Akorli was appointed as the Managing Director of the company, on June 1, 2012. Until the appointment, he was the Finance Manager of the company.
He joined GOIL in 1994 and served in various positions including Acting Chief Accountant, Treasurer, Chief Internal Auditor, and on occasions, acted as the Fuels Marketing Manager.
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