Mainstreaming Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste Into Ghana's Development Agenda
When it comes to the sound management of chemicals and waste, Ghana is looking forward to becoming a role model for Africa. With three years of funding from UN Environment's Special Programme on Institutional Strengthening for Chemicals and Waste Management, the government of Ghana seeks to develop and implement a five-year strategic action plan for the sound management of chemicals and waste which will ensure that the capacities of the Environmental Protection Agency and other relevant institutions
Reducing Human-Elephant Conflict Through Improved Monitoring, Stakeholder Engagement and Law Enforcement
For farming communities situated around the edge of both Kakum and Bia Conservation Areas in the Central and Western regions of Ghana, elephant crop raiding is a serious problem. The raids are caused by the expansion of farms into forested areas in a bid to increase productivity and household income. The affected communities have resorted to poaching to deal with the threat the elephants are posing to their livelihoods.
Ghana Disseminates Draft Motor Vehicle Emission Standards and Regulations
The Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana, with support from UN Environment and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, drafted its Motor Vehicle Emission Standards and Regulations. The document was disseminated for review at a broader national stakeholder workshop from 20 - 21 June 2018 at the Institute of Environmental Studies in Amasaman, Ghana.