The talking stage is an exciting yet delicate phase where you get to know someone before committing to a relationship. While open communication is important, some topics can be too heavy, awkward, or premature, potentially ruining your chances of building a strong connection.
Here are five things you should avoid discussing too soon:
1. Your Ex and Past Relationships
Bringing up your ex too early can make it seem like you're not over them or that you’re comparing your new potential partner to your past. While discussing past relationships may eventually be necessary, the talking stage is not the right time. Focus on the present and let the conversation flow naturally.
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2. Your Deepest Insecurities and Trauma
Everyone has personal struggles, but unloading deep-seated insecurities or trauma too soon can be overwhelming for the other person. Vulnerability is important in a relationship, but it should develop gradually over time. Save these conversations for when trust and emotional intimacy have been established.
3. Marriage and Long-Term Commitment
While it’s okay to discuss relationship goals in a general sense, bringing up marriage, kids, or long-term commitments too soon may scare the other person away. The talking stage is about getting to know each other, not making life-altering decisions before a foundation is even built.
4. Financial Situation and Salary Details
Talking about money too soon can be off-putting, especially if it comes across as materialistic or intrusive. Avoid asking about salary, debts, or financial expectations early on. Conversations about finances should happen later in a more serious stage of the relationship.
5. Controversial and Polarising Topics
Topics like politics, religion, and personal beliefs can be divisive. While they are important discussions to have eventually, they can create tension if brought up too soon. Gauge the other person’s comfort level before diving into such debates.
The talking stage is all about building rapport, having fun, and discovering compatibility at a natural pace. While meaningful conversations are essential, certain topics are best saved for later when both parties feel secure and ready. Keep things light, engaging, and authentic to let the connection grow organically.
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