President John Dramani Mahama has revealed that he has instructed the Inspector-General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare, to provide a report on the status of investigations into the 2020 and 2024 election-related deaths.
The 2020 election witnessed eight fatalities due to violent incidents in constituencies such as Ablekuma Central and Odododiodio in the Greater Accra Region, Techiman South in the Bono East Region, Savelugu in the Northern Region, and Awutu Senya East in the Central Region.
Similarly, the Centre for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) reported six deaths during the 2024 election in areas including Tolon, Damongo, Awutu Senya East, and Ahafo Ano South West.
Speaking at the National Muslim Prayer and Thanksgiving event at the National Mosque in Accra on Friday, 10 January, President Mahama expressed regret over the unfortunate deaths. He stressed the importance of investigation and justice for the victims and their families.
Even though this election passed on peacefully, we must recognise that a few of our citizens lost their lives. My understanding is almost five of our citizens were killed in the process of the election. This is not the first time; in 2020, we know that eight of our citizens were killed.
If these continue and justice is not served, then it breeds impunity. That’s why, as a party, we have said we must investigate and find out what led to these killings so we can take action to prevent them in the future.
He added:
I’ve asked my Executive Secretary to write to the IGP to give us a report on the status of investigations into these killings. Justice must be done, and we will also ask the Attorney General to determine fair and adequate compensation for the families of those who lost their lives.
President Mahama also called for national unity and collective responsibility to advance national development during his tenure.
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