By Michael Akenoo
The old adage says; delays are dangerous. And it has been said time and again that Justice delayed is Justice denied!
In a society or nation, human beings do relate and interact with each other by following certain stereotyped ways of doing things or managing their affairs; and these become the lifestyle or character of the people.
If the ways of doing things are not right and properly motivated and inspired by morality and virtue the progress and advancement of the people are negated and challenged; and consequently, the people or the nation for that matter, suffer in their continual desire to progress, advance and to experience development and prosperity.
It is in the light of the foregoing assertion that one can assess and evaluate the present ways of doing things or character of many Ghanaians in the country’s continual efforts to experience economic growth, development and prosperity.
The American people have an enduring motto which states “Time is money”
In a critical analysis, evaluation and validity of this saying which had conscientized Americans since 4th July, 1776 after attaining political independence from British colonial rule and exploitation, I have the opinion that this is one of the main factors that had accounted for the lofty heights of economic power, development and prosperity that America had achieved in the modern world today.
There is a right time of doing things in this world, and when this time – tested principle is overlooked or ignored by an individual or nation for that matter, the consequences are dangerous.
Misappropriation and waste of time in taking actions or doing things can be a setback on the clock of progress in the life of an individual or nation.
This unfortunate situation negatively affects the economic growth, development and prosperity of the country.
Indolence and idleness on the part of many Ghanaians reinforce this national canker of lack of the conscientiousness of time which prevails in the Ghanaian society at the present time.
There is the need for urgency to re-orientate and conscientize Ghanaians on the value of time in everything that they do in their daily lives.
This will contribute positively to effect a change for the better in the lifestyles of Ghanaians to benefit the country in her continual efforts to experience economic growth, development and prosperity.
The act of taking vital decisions and initiatives on the part of individuals and also of government must be strictly based on time.
And Ghanaians must take a cue and learn from the American experience as far as time consciousness is concerned and try to exhibit this in their daily living life styles.
This will definitely go a long way to benefit Ghana in her continual strides to experience economic growth, development and prosperity.
Time wasting and the delay of taking actions or doing things must be completely denounced and eliminated in the Ghanaian society at the present time, so that the country can accelerate in her developmental path.
In a critical analysis and evaluation on the issue of time consciousness anomaly among many Ghanaians, I am of the opinion that this is one of the main factors that had contributed negatively to the developmental process of Ghana since attaining political independence from British Colonial rule and exploitation on 6th March, 1957.
To this end, there is urgent need now to change this negative style of living or character of any Ghanaian in the interest of the country,
In conclusion, I state categorically that Ghanaians must try to develop a strong time consciousness now, and exhibit this in their daily lives individually as well as collectively in order to help the country in her continual developmental aspirations, such as the present ongoing one called Ghana Beyond Aid Agenda.
Americans present amazing and stupendous levels of economic development power and prosperity in the eyes of the modern world today is the result of their time consciousness and ways of doing things in their daily lives supported by their enduring motto. “Time Is Money” had contributed tremendously to their great achievements as a great nation.
Indeed, time consciousness and time is money character guiding principle in the working life styles of Americans can be emulated and adopted by Ghanaians at the present time in their struggles to experience economic growth, development and prosperity.
For indeed, time is money; and unnecessary delays in taking actions and decisions are antagonistic to nationhood and nation building.
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