The Berekum West District Assembly has held its maiden meeting since its creation with a call on the Assembly members to commit themselves to work hard for an accelerated development of the area.
Mr. Isaac Osei, the District Chief Executive (DCE) made the call at the First Ordinary meeting at Jinijini.
Commending President Akufo-Addo for creating the district, Mr. Osei noted that the area seriously lags behind in infrastructural development and in the socio-economic well-being of the people.
To this end, the DCE called for consensus-building among the members in their deliberations on the developmental needs of the district.
He announced that GH?2,894,246.50 had been allocated to the District as its share of the District Assemblies Common Fund, but so far GH?261,082.99 had been received as the first quarter transfer.
The DCE mentioned the mechanization of two boreholes at Ayimom and Koraso, the grading of roads in the district, construction of classroom block with ancillary facilities at Botokrom and a teachers quarters at Fetentaa as some of the ongoing projects budgeted by the Assembly.
The Assembly will soon provide about 16 toilet facilities across the district to improve on sanitation in the district.
The DCE said about 133 graduates would soon be deployed in all productive sectors of the District to boost the staff strength of the Assembly.
"Under the Planting for Export and Development, 100,000 Cashew seedlings has been allocated to the District for the 2019 farming season," he disclosed hoping that farmers will take advantage of the programme to diversify their cash crop base and make some extra income while helping the country solve its problems of over reliance on cocoa for foreign exchange.
A total amount of GH?6,014,547.51 has been approved to cover various expenses of the Assembly. The amount comprises among others, Internally Generated Funds (IGF), the District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF), compensation for employees and the District Development Facility (DDF).
Presenting the estimates, District Budget Analyst Ms. Regina Nketiah said the assembly has projected to collect GH?95,400.00 as revenue over the period.
She said about GH? 1,766,550.00 would be applied to capital projects whiles other institutions and Departments will benefit from the expected grants. She said the Government's Flagship Programmes will receive support of about GH?25,000.
The Presiding Member, Mr. Ansu Yaw encouraged them to put aside their differences and discuss issues on their merits for the development of the district.
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