Veteran Kumawood actor Oboy Siki has broken his silence following his recent arrest, allegedly instigated by fellow actor Kwadwo Nkansah, popularly known as Lil Win. In a video posted on SMART Ghana TV’s YouTube channel, Oboy Siki addressed the issue, clarifying that he holds no personal grudge against the The Country Called Ghana star.
Speaking on the matter, Oboy Siki explained that his controversial remarks about Lil Win were made in jest and not out of malice.
I have been defending him since he started acting, and my utterances against him were similar to what I said when people came at him. Everything I said about Lil Win was to be taken as a joke. I was only playing, he stated
The veteran actor also dismissed allegations that he had been bribed by Lil Win’s detractors to tarnish his reputation. He pledged to avoid making any comments that could be perceived as degrading towards Lil Win in the future.
From the way Kwadwo was talking, it sounded as if people had sent me to disgrace him, but this is not the case. I am over 70 years old. Do you think anyone can call me to say I should disgrace someone? he questioned.
The video has garnered over 2,000 likes and sparked mixed reactions from Ghanaians on social media.
Ghanaians React to Oboy Siki’s Remarks
Social media users shared diverse opinions about the veteran actor’s comments.
@stellaagyeman9749 wrote: “Papa, please, with all due respect, I will advise you to act like a grown man who inspires the youth of our generation.”
@EdwardDarko-dr6zs commented: “God richly bless Kwadwo for arresting him paaa.”
@kojokojo7523 replied: “He loves Kwadwo, but he doesn’t know.”
@frederickmakaveli4317 remarked: “You see, he is cashing out on the incident. You people are criticising Lil Win, but when it was Dr Likee, Ogyam deserved it, right? This attitude is bad.”
Watch the video below:
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