A heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Akyem Anamase near Oda in the Eastern Region last Friday when Chief Inspector Godwin Beniba, a groom, tragically died during his wedding ceremony.
Chief Inspector Beniba, who served as the Station Officer at the Anamase Police Station, collapsed shortly after arriving at the Anamase Hotel, where the wedding was taking place.
He had been waiting with his best men for his bride, Florence Debrah, who was in one of the hotel rooms, per a Graphic Online report.
Eyewitnesses said the groom complained of feeling dizzy as he entered the venue. Before anyone could assist him, he collapsed to the floor. Guests quickly rushed him to the Anamase Clinic, but he was pronounced dead on arrival by medical staff.
Wedding guests devastated
The news of his sudden death shocked and devastated the hundreds of guests, including police officers who had traveled from Accra, Koforidua, Oda, Akyem Achiase, Akyem Swedru, and other areas to celebrate the couple’s special day. Many were deeply affected, with some struggling to hold back tears.
The large amounts of food and drink prepared for the celebration went untouched as guests left the venue in sorrow.
The deceased’s family, who had come from his home region in the Northern Region, arranged for his body to be taken to the Oda Government Hospital morgue for an autopsy and preservation.
The report also noted that the entire community was engulfed in sadness, and the usual festive spirit of the Christmas season was replaced with mourning.
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