How can true Anlos demonstrate in support of Rawlings who murdered full blooded Anlos and go on to put on a placard, “Ex-Prez. Jerry John Rawlings: Ghana’s Root For Democracy?” Rawlings admitted that Joy Amedume whom he killed on June 26, 1979 was innocent, something he knew before he signed the Anlo man’s death warrant.Then in 1986, another Anlo, Mawuli Goka, was jail on treason charges, when in fact someone in the corridors of power wanted his car. In jail he was forced into cannibalism and was later murdered.
What are the Anlo Traditional Council and the Anlo Diasporans saying to the Amedume and Goka families, before coming out to protest when Rawlings was called a murderer?
In 1981 Rawlings truncated a constitution and stole our democracy only to replace it after eleven years with one that is worse than the two before.
Ghanaians need to discuss and debate the Rawlings’ interview on Asaase FM where he admitted killing innocent souls, when he said among many other implicating words that“…. and here you have innocent people as well who had to die to save hundreds.” If he was in court and made this confession, would he be convicted of manslaughter or murder?
The whole idea of June 4, was ethnic cleansing and restoration of Nkrumahism. It had nothing to do with fighting corruption.
Rawlings killed the eight senior army officers and ex-heads-of-state who were made up of four Akans, one Guan, one Kassen, one Ga and one Ewe/Anlo. That was ethnic cleansing.
Had it been an Akan, who killed many Ewes and came to confess later that he knew they were innocent but they had to die anyway, like Ghana would know no peace.
The Speaker of Parliament should not have received the petition from the Anlo demonstrators. The issue of whether Rawlings was a murderer should be debated in Parliament with proofs and evidences like his Asaase FM’s interview and writings and documents in which he was implicated as a murderer but never came out to challenged.
What instigated this Rawlings was a murderer issue, was when the NDC Hon. Ibrahim Murtala Muhammed, on the floor of Parliament called Dr. J.B. Danquah, a traitor and CIA agent. He claimed that it was in Martin Meredith’s book, The State of Africa, that J.B. Danquah was called a CIA agent. It is very obvious he was as usual stretching the truth, because Martin Meredith stated in the book that “Nkrumah’s downfall… came … because of his fatal decision to interfere with the military.”
One of the most respected senior army officers, General Ankrah, was dismissed from the Armed Forces in July 1965 on suspicion of plotting a coup. J.B. Danquah who was imprisoned for the second time on January 8, 1964 butthis time without charges, died in jail on February 4, 1965. Going by Meredith’s statement, the Armed Forces, decided to strike after Ankrah was dismissed and that was six months after J.B. Danquah died, so how could he be behind any coup plot?
Hon. Murtala Muhammed, should come and tell us that he accepts all that Martin Meredith wrote in his history book. He should not misquote statements but come and say he believes all the corruption allegations made against Nkrumah in that book. Nkrumah, Meredith stated, specifically set up the National Development Corporation to “facilitate the handling of bribes from foreign businessmen and others seeking government contract.”
The Akyems are also storming Parliament and Hon. Murtala Muhammed must have full proof that J.B. Danquah was a traitor and a CIA agent. If the Akyems are not allowed into the House, then it is clear that there is an agenda against Akans, and this can affect the peace and stability in this country.
While the witless cohorts are attempting to re-write history, Parliament and all Ghanaians must warn them not to drag this country into ethnic conflict. For why is it that whenever something is said against an Akan, it should be considered minor, but when an Akan does same against another tribe then, Ghana burns?
It is now a very good thing that the youth are reading about the true historical events of this country and are making sound judgments. They are expressing disgust about the deceptions and they would one day explode.
Any one who says J.B. Danquah is a traitor and a CIA agent is very irresponsible and lacks knowledge of history. It is about time we re-visit our past and bring out from the archives events that happened and let everyone know the truth.
J.B. Danquah was said to be a murderer because he defended murderers in court. If so then most of our lawyers are criminals.
During the Nkrumah era, there was so much injustice even in our legal system, that anyone could accuse the other for treason, and the accused would be imprisoned without any trial.
And talking about traitors, then Rawlings was one. He asked for help from Libya to betray our democracy by overthrowing an Nkrumaist government, how about that?
We are waiting for the Anlos to hit the streets and demonstrate against the removal of Kotoka’s name from our airport in Accra. Remember, Rawlings pronounced Kotoka, a hero for bringing us democracy. And by the way, are these Anlos aware that someone called Rawlings a barking dog?
Hon. Daniel Dugan
Editor’s note: Views expressed in this article do not represent that of The Chronicle
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