WA — Works on the multipurpose youth and sports center being constructed at Wa in the Upper West region is 50 per cent complete, according to contractors.
This came to light, when the Minister for Youth and Sports, Mr. Isaac Asiamah took his inspection tour to the region on Tuesday.
According to the contractor, Hadih Bin Salih of Habkay Enterprise Limited, work on the facility can be completed in the next five months.
"Our priority is to come out with a very quality masterpiece. I'm glad that we are on course to achieve that within a few months,"he stated.
He said the people of Wa deserve to have such a facility that would last to benefit several generations.
"We are almost done with all the concrete works and the pitch. The tracks and other facilities would begin immediately to ensure that we finish on time, "he explained.
The Engineer on site, Adams Asana added that, their main challenge was the demolition of colonial buildings with massive concretes.
The sector Minister, Mr.Asiamah said he was impressed with the progress made so far and commended contractors for their efforts.
The multipurpose centers he said, would serve as one of the training centers for the national teams and government would not have to spend a lot to camp teams outside the country for such purposes.
Deputy Upper West Regional Minister, Hamidu Chinia Issaku was also pleased with the facility, adding that, it would create an avenue for the young people to develop their skills.
He said young people who aspire to be great in sports would utilize the facility to their benefits and for the good of the nation as a whole.
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