Two middle-aged men are in the grips of the Anyaa Police, for allegedly posing as staff of Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) Limited and extorting money from customers.
Edmund Acquah and Nii Noi Dowuona were arrested by ECG staff, after consistent complaints by customers on their (suspects) illegal activities.
According to Mr. James Teye, Ablekumah ECG District Manager, the arresting officers found fake ECG ID cards, printed demand notices bearing the ECG logo and equipment on the suspects.
Until their arrest, the manager said he had received several complaints from customers in the "Fan Milk" area on the activities of suspects.
He said field officers of ECG were asked to liaise with the community and arrest Acquah and Dowuona.
Mr Teye said "after weeks of laying ambush, we arrested the two suspects going about their illegal activities in the communities. During their routine, the suspects threatened customers with disconnection for non-payment of bills, and falsely accused others of illegally connecting and using power. In fear of their supply being disconnected, the unsuspecting customers parted ways with several amounts of money to the suspects".
The Accra West General Manager, Mr George Appiah-Kubi, said the company was determined to deal with miscreants, whose activities are hurting the image of the company.
He appealed to customers to be vigilant and report such activities to the nearest ECG office.
He said the police was still investigating the matter.
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