Parliament will resume sitting on Tuesday for second meeting of the first session of the seven Parliaments after six weeks of recess.
According to a press release issued by the Public Relations Department on Monday, 14 bills would be laid before the House during the meeting.
These include the Ghana Railways Development Bill, 2017; Creative Arts Bill, 2017; National Employment Bill, 2017; Ghana Shippers Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2017; Ghana Cocoa Board Amendment Bill, 2017; Drivers and Vehicle Authority Amendment Bill, 2017 and the National Road Safety Agency Bill 2017.
Ten instruments, including the Receptive Centres Instrument, 2007; Labour (Domestic Workers) Regulation, 2017; Driving School and Instructors Regulation, 2017, have been scheduled to be presented during the meeting.
The release also announced that some 12 papers would be presented to the House for consideration. These are a Report of the Auditor -General on the statement of foreign exchange receipts and payment of Bank of Ghana for the second half of the year ending 30th June, 2016, Report of the Auditor -General on the management and utilization of District Assemblies' Common Fund for the year ending 31st December 2015, Progress Report of the Commission of Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) on the National Anti- Corruption Action Plan (PIAC) on the management of Petroleum Revenue for the year 2015 and a Budget Performance Report, in respect of the Ministry of Interior for the period January to December, 2016.
Prior to the recess, Parliament approved the budget estimates for the various Ministries Department and Agencies (MDAs), Earmarked Funds Capping and Realignment Bill, 2017, the tax bills including the Income Tax (Amendment)Bill, 2017, Special Petroleum Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2017, Special Import Levy (Amendment) Bill, 2017 and Customs and Excise (Petroleum Taxes and Petroleum Related Levies) (Repeal) Bill, 2017.
Source: ISD (Gilbert Ankrah)
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