In the bestselling novel, In High Places by Arthur Hailey, the Chairman of the opposition party made a statement to this effect to a young lawyer: "The work of the opposition is to always find faults in the ruling government, even if what it is pursuing is the right way. When you come to power, and you will have to do same things, you only have to find very good excuses."
In center stage of today's Ghanaian politics, this statement comes alive. Even before he was sworn into office, there were strong indications from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) that Nana Addo's government was going to be attacked in many ways to prove to Ghanaians that it was a mistake to have elected the New Patriotic Party (NPP) back to power.
In response to the President's May Day speech, the opposition NDC came out with points to ridicule the government and "remind" Ghanaians of their mistake.
Some of the complaints against the government include forcing workers out of jobs; physical assaults; mass transfers; politically asking workers to proceed on leave; rising cost of living; 15% upward review of transport fares, and 26,589 workers to lose their jobs due to Social Security National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) Biometric registration.
During the Mills led administration, almost five hundred members of the Police Service were relieved off their jobs, because of what the then government claimed were irregularities in their recruitment. These men and women went through due process and were lawfully employed into the Police Service in March 2008. A year later, a new government kicks them out.
Physical assaults and acts of violence are not things to justify or seek equalisation. However, can the NDC explain the attacks on the metropolitan, municipal and district chief executives (MMDCEs) and ministers by their own foot soldiers? The NPP has come out to condemn any acts of violence perpetrated by known or perceived party members. What were the NDC's responses to such unfortunate incidents when they were in power, but only to defend a woman who drove her sports utility vehicle (SUV) into some youth, because they never belonged to her NDC, and the saying that Violence begets violence, just to mention a few.
Mass transfers hit the civil and public service in 2009, when workers known to have worked directly with members of the previous government, or suspected to have links with the then opposition, were transferred to places, some beneath their qualification. A police office in the IT Department was asked to mount road blocks, Directors and secretaries found themselves back in sections they had long been upgraded from.
Politically, asking workers to proceed on leave is a battle which can only be resolved by law. We need to clearly define political appointees who must go with the previous government. When governments come and they feel one's loyalty is in question, what can they do, but find a polite way of saying a final good bye. This should also serve as a warning to all workers and management staff to be professional in their lines of duty. If one becomes too political and vindictive towards persons belonging to the other parties, what should they expect when that party comes to power?
The rising cost of living has been a tool parties in opposition use every day against government. The fact is, how true is it in today's Ghana? At least, the indices are clearly available. Fuel was on average GH¢4.20 per litre in January, 2017, and it is now below GH¢4.00 in May of 2017. On the forex, the rates average GH¢4.50 to $1.00 by the end of the NDC era to the current GH¢4.20 to $1.00. In some quarters, the exchange rate is pushing into the GH¢3.00 to $1.00 regime.
Talking about the upward review of 15% on transport fares cannot be blamed on government. Even though fuel prices are falling, and cost of spares have drastically reduced, it proves that the transport unions have no justification in increasing fares, unless this is a political move, for the majority of the union leaders are known to be NDC.
26,589 workers are on the verge of losing their jobs due to the SSNIT Biometric registration, and why blame government, here? The SSNIT Biometric registration was introduced during the NDC era, and it was one way of getting the records of actual living workers, and not ghost ones. With the nation saddled with ghost workers, where, sometimes, over tens of millions of Ghana cedis are withdrawn as salaries for thousands of workers by only a few who share the booty, cannot be acceptable. If the NDC is kicking against the full implementation of the biometric registration of workers, then it shows that that party is in link with the ghost workers.
Last week, something was posted on social media with the heading "Note: Only NPP Platform". It carried a story about some job openings for nurses, and those interested must contact a certain Dr. Matthew Aboagye on 024 682 0866 for protocol arrangements. Requirements are as follows: Certificates; Age; Address/Location; Phone number; Email address; Qualification; Birth Certificate; Valid ID Card and NPP membership card. Dr Aboagye could only be contacted between 9:00am and 4:00 pm.
Such an amateurish advert could only come from one source, the NDC cartel which took a sacred and solemn vow to make this government be faulted in all things and all ways. Read through the requirements, and one could see the unprofessionalism in them. There is Age, what Age? And there is Qualification, what Qualification? Without knowing what the employer wants, how can you satisfy the requirements for the job?
We know of a certain ABNA, which used to be written on very important documents in the highest office of the land during the PNDC and NDC 1 & 2 era, which was interpreted as All But Not Ashantis, may I ask whether the NDC members involved in this hoax are trying to push that standard of governance on the NPP?
Trying as hard as they can, those hidden faces within the NDC, who have vowed to derail this government, should first remove the log in their eyes, and only then, will they see that there is nothing they can condemn this government with.
Whoever posted that advert must be ashamed of themselves, since they have not only exposed their strong-held desire to see Ghana fail, but also their ignorance and lack of intelligence and commonsense have been exposed for all to see.
To the other fair-minded NDC members who want to see this nation opened for business and be seen working again, God bless you. Do your best for Mother Ghana.
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