The Acting Spokesperson for the President, Felix Kwakye Ofosu, has addressed speculation surrounding the absence of Gender Minister-designate Agnes Naa Momo Lartey from her swearing-in ceremony on Friday, January 24, 2025.
Contrary to public assumptions, Mr. Kwakye Ofosu explained that Naa Momo Lartey missed the event due to a family emergency, not tardiness or negligence.
Speaking on TV3’s Keypoints programme on Saturday, January 25, Mr. Kwakye Ofosu revealed that the nominee had informed the Presidency of her situation beforehand.
“Naa Momo truthfully indicated that a family emergency had taken her out of Accra. We encouraged her to come nonetheless and assured her that if she arrived in time, she would be included. If she couldn’t make it, provisions were in place to accommodate her absence,” he clarified.
To avoid disruptions, the Presidency had prepared for the possibility of Naa Momo Lartey’s absence.
“If you observe carefully, President Mahama specifically mentioned the names and outlined their KPIs [Key Performance Indicators]. We had prepared two speeches”one assuming her presence and the other in case she couldn’t make it. We simply switched to the alternative when she was unable to attend,” Mr. Kwakye Ofosu stated.
He also commended Naa Momo Lartey’s effort to attend despite challenging circumstances, highlighting her dedication and commitment.
“It is to her credit that she showed up anyway. Given the traffic she had to navigate, it was commendable. But we were ready for either scenario. She will be sworn in next week when the President conducts another ceremony,” he noted.
Adsressing public concerns, Mr. Kwakye Ofosu emphasized that Naa Momo Lartey’s absence should not reflect negatively on her character or work ethic.
The swearing-in ceremony for Naa Momo Lartey is expected to take place next week, with the government affirming its support for her role as Gender Minister.
The post Why Gender Minister Naa Momo was not sworn in – Government explains first appeared on 3News.
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